Mongabay Features

An interview with Chinese environmental lawyer Jingjing Zhang

Western corporations have been inflicting environmental damage overseas for generations, but the sharp rise in the scale of China’s international ambitions and operations in recent years has put a spotlight on the impact of Chinese companies abroad. The emergence of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the foreign policy strategy put forth by Xi Jinping that […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with EDF’s Eric Schwaab

It’s no secret that humanity is abusing the world’s oceans. We’re overfishing at all levels of marine food chains, we’re annihilating critical habitats from mangroves to coral reefs, and we’re polluting global seas with plastic, agricultural run-off, and carbon emissions. The challenges standing in the way of addressing these issues however are immense. At the […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with The Nature Conservancy’s Jennifer Morris

Like many sectors, conservation has increasingly been reckoning with issues around inclusivity, representation, justice, and equity. Many of these stem from the sector’s origins in the West, where conservation has tended to be the domain of the well-off. Conservation goals were thus often pursued at the expense of peoples who were traditionally the most dependent […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with Enrique Ortiz

The past year has been difficult for much of Latin America: The pandemic has hit the region harder than most, a series of natural and manmade disasters has adversely impacted communities from Honduras to Brazil, and violence is surging. On the environmental front, the pandemic has undercut livelihoods associated with ecotourism and research, environmental law […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with author Bryan Christy

Since his breakthrough book, The Lizard King, and his National Geographic feature on “The Kingpin”, Bryan Christy has established himself as one of the best-known wildlife crime writers. In 2012, Christy’s explosive National Geographic cover story traced elephant ivory as it was trafficked from war zones and conflict areas in Africa to markets in China and beyond. Christy’s newest project builds on his […]

Mongabay Features

The Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance (LEAF) coalition launches

This story was co-authored with Aurora Solá. A new initiative to mobilize at least $1 billion to reward tropical countries for halting deforestation was announced April 22, Earth Day, at the Leaders Summit on Climate hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden. The initiative, called the LEAF Coalition (Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Forest finance), will offer significant economic […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with businessman and philanthropist André Hoffmann

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic went global just over a year ago, there had been a notable shift in messaging from some of the world’s largest companies around their responsibility beyond profit maximization. A growing number of firms were making commitments to reduce emissions, diversify their leadership, and eliminate environmental degradation and human rights abuses […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with UN CBD’s Elizabeth Mrema

2020 was supposed to be the year for evaluating the past decade’s progress in meeting biodiversity conservation targets and setting the agenda for the next decade. But then the pandemic hit, plunging the world into hardship and uncertainty, prompting postponements of global meetings, and pushing biodiversity to the back of most people’s minds. But the […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with forests and land rights expert David Kaimowitz

Over the past 20 years, the conservation sector has increasingly recognized the contributions Indigenous communities have made toward achieving conservation goals, including protecting biodiversity and maintaining ecosystems that sustain us. Accordingly, some large conservation NGOs that a generation ago were heavily focused on establishing and fortifying protected areas are today advocating for Indigenous rights and […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with Bloomberg’s Antha Williams

Shortly ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Mongabay spoke with Antha N. Williams, the head of the environment program at Bloomberg Philanthropies, the foundation launched by businessman and former New York city mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. During the interview, Williams discussed how Bloomberg puts data at the center of its programs, which on the environmental front […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with Jinfeng Zhou

Efforts to advance biodiversity conservation in China is generally not well understood in the West. But with China set to host the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) this October, China’s conservation initiatives — including those run by Chinese NGOs — are likely to […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with Wallace Global Fund’s Ellen Dorsey

A decade ago, the idea of using the financial resources of university endowments, religious institutions and philanthropic foundations as a mechanism to advance action on climate change was still in its relative infancy, mostly limited to college campuses. While divestment has been long used as a tool for activism, in the early 2010s, plenty of […]

Mongabay Features

An interview with EcoNusa’s Bustar Maitar

With much of the accessible lowland primary forests in Sumatra and Borneo cleared and converted for agriculture and industrial plantations, the Indonesian half of New Guinea is the last stand for the rainforests that once blanketed Indonesia. The diversity of New Guinea’s forests are mirrored in its seas: the ecosystems around West Papua and the […]

Mongabay Features

Global forest loss increases in 2020, though pandemic’s influence is mixed

No one was sure exactly what near-term impact the global pandemic would have the world’s forests in 2020. Some expected lockdowns and economic shocks to dampen deforestation rates; others thought surging asset prices, government stimulus programs, diminished environmental law enforcement, and a sudden reversal of rural-to-urban migration would drive forest clearance higher. Data released today by the […]

Mongabay Features

Catalyzing an Indigenous-led just energy transition: Q&A with Melina Laboucan-Massimo

In the past decade, the term “Just Transition” has gained more widespread understanding among climate campaigners and environmental advocates. A Just Transition is the idea that the shift toward low-carbon economies needs to be fair and inclusive, meaning it considers the people who will be most impacted by abandoning fossil fuels. Among the groups most […]

Media appearances

Appearance on Wild Green Streams for Ecological Fiends

Rhett Barker interviews Rhett Butler, founder of, about running the internet’s premiere conservation news website. LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW

Mongabay Features

Rewilding Patagonia’s public lands: Q&A with Kris Tompkins

In the early 1990s, using the money they earned from their leadership roles at Patagonia Inc., The North Face, and Esprit, Kris and Doug Tompkins began buying up vast amounts of land in Chile and Argentina and setting it aside for conservation. Their acquisition of large blocks of forest, wetlands, and steppe — along with […]

Mongabay Features

“Our identity is non negotiable” says Gwich’in leader Bernadette Demientieff

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is a 19 million acre reserve in the northeastern corner of Alaska that’s renowned for its beauty and wildlife. ANWR also holds great cultural significance to the Native peoples of the region, including the Gwich’in Nation, who for generations have depended on the migratory caribou herd that births and […]

Mongabay Features

Conservation would be more effective with more Indigenous leadership: An interview with Patrick Gonzales-Rogers

In the past year there’s been a lot more talk about stakeholder inclusivity in the conservation sector. The combination of the social justice movement arising out of George Floyd’s killing in May 2020 and exposés of discriminatory practices has put a brighter spotlight on conservation’s legacies of colonialism and treatment of local and Indigenous communities […]

Mongabay Features

‘There are no silver bullets’ in conservation: An interview with Synchronicity Earth’s Jessica Sweidan

Conservation is complex. If it were easy, problems like the extinction crisis, human-wildlife conflict, overexploitation of forests and oceans, and habitat degradation and loss would be resolved already. Conservation’s complexity arises from the need to address multiple, often conflicting, objectives that span disciplines from ecology to economics to human welfare. Something that may seem straightforward […]

Mongabay Features

Saving Africa’s biodiversity is a challenging but urgent necessity, says Rodger Schlickeisen

Rodger Schlickeisen made a name for himself in conservation circles from the early 1990s thanks to his leadership at Defenders of Wildlife, which grew rapidly in membership and influence during his 20 years at the helm. The group became known as a staunch advocate for wildlife via its defense of the U.S. Endangered Species Act […]

Mongabay Features

“Securing Indigenous guardianship of vital ecosystems”: Q&A with Nia Tero CEO Peter Seligmann

One of the dominant trends in conservation over the past 20 years has been growing recognition of the contributions Indigenous peoples have made toward conservationists’ goals of protecting biodiversity, wild places, and ecosystem functions. Lands stewarded by Indigenous peoples and local communities sequester at least a sixth of forest carbon and house 80% of terrestrial […]

Mongabay Features

‘Everything on this planet is connected’: Q&A with WWF’s Marco Lambertini

As the world works to emerge from the devastation and hardship brought by the pandemic, there has been much talk about the recovery being an opportunity to drive transformative change toward a more sustainable, equitable society that recognizes that human well-being is underpinned by a healthy planet. Much of the focus on this concept has […]

Mongabay Features

Backing the stewards of biocultural diversity: Q&A with Indigenous rights leader Carla Fredericks

For at least the past 20 years, conservation has been wrestling with some of the darker aspects of its historical relationship with local communities: legacies of colonialism, institutional racism, lack recognition of Indigenous peoples’ rights, and abuses like forced evictions from traditional lands and extrajudicial killings. These issues gained increased notoriety in the aftermath of […]


Statement in response to 2020 SEAL Journalism Award

This is a response to today’s news that I received a 2020 SEAL Journalism Award along with Fiona Harvey of The Guardian; Alexander C. Kaufman of The Huffington Post; Lisa Friedman of the New York Times; Dave Roberts of Volts; Brian L. Kahn of Earther / Gizmodo; Shannon Osaka of Grist; Zoya Teirstein of Grist; […]